Specialist course for: nurses, midwives, medical caregivers, physiotherapists and paramedics, doctors, dentists…
3 modules of classes – 120 hours of specialist, medical Norwegian language classes,
Access to specialized learning materials.
A number of valuable contacts helpful when looking for a job in Norway.
What level are you interested in?
Basic level A1
At this level you will start learning Norwegian from scratch. You will gain the basics of the language that will allow you to build simple statements and texts about everyday life. At the same time, you will start to acquire the vocabulary and expressions necessary to work in the medical sector in Norway.
See details
15 week course Duration of the course
2 x 60 minutes per week Course intensity
Online course Form of classes
På Vei, Helsenorsk for deg!, Troll 1 Materials we use
3 x 1600 zł The total cost of attending the course
This course is intended for people who already know the basics and would like to develop further. After completing this part, you will understand, speak, construct more advanced dialogues and written texts. From the very first classes, we put emphasis on expanding your medical Norwegian.
See details
15 week course Duration of the course
2 x 60 minutes per week Course intensity
Online course Form of classes
På Vei, Helsenorsk for deg!, Troll 1, Yrke Hjemmehjelper, Yrke Pleieassistent Materials we use
3 x 1600 zł The total cost of attending the course
If you decide to take both basic courses A1+A2 you get a special discount! Instead of paying 9600 zł in total, the payment will be spread over 6 x PLN 1500 zł.
Starting learning at this level, you can already use Norwegian reasonably fluently. The classes are conducted entirely in Norwegian. The focus of the classes will be on specialized language and preparation for work in the medical sector in Norway. This is the first module out of three comprising the medical course at CEFR B1 level.
See details
15 week course Duration of the course
2 x 60 minutes per week Course intensity
Online course Form of classes
Stein på Stein, Troll 2 Materials we use
3 x 1600 zł The total cost of attending the course
This module enhances communication skills in Norwegian related to medical topics. The level achieved upon completion should be sufficient for employment in the Norwegian healthcare sector. Classes are conducted entirely in Norwegian. This is the second module out of three comprising the medical course at CEFR B1 level.
See details
15 week course Duration of the course
2 x 60 minutes per week Course intensity
Online course Form of classes
Stein på Stein, Helsenorsk for Deg, Grunnbok i Helsenorsk Materials we use
3 x 1600 zł The total cost of attending the course
This module is suitable for individuals who have already reached an intermediate level and have no difficulties in communication. Classes are conducted entirely in Norwegian. Advanced specialized terminology is introduced, embedded in the context of working in the medical sector in Norway. This is the last of the 3 modules comprising the medical course at CEFR B1/B2 level.
See details
15 weeks Duration of the course
2 x 60 minutes per week Course intensity
Online couse Form of classes
Helsenorsk for Deg, Troll 2, Grunnbok i Helsenorsk Materials we use
3 x 1600 zł The total cost of attending the course
The proposed courses are very intensive and require about an hour of independent work every day. During the course, material appropriate for a given level is covered, but the final knowledge of the language that the student will acquire may differ from it. It largely depends on the student’s commitment, time devoted to independent work, but it may also depend on individual predispositions.
What will you get as part of our courses?
Constant support from a teacher – a specialist in medical Norwegian – who will become your personal mentor
Schedule tailored to your needs – meetings with a teacher from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 20.00; you start the course whenever you want.
Access to the school’s original materials, network resources and other teaching materials.
Additional materials on document authorization in Norway.
A number of contacts to people related to the medical industry in Norway.
Certificate of completion of the course in Norwegian.
Do you have any questions? Or maybe you are looking for something else?
Contact us. We will be happy to help you choose the right Norwegian course.